Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Decided to do user-IP-switch: it will be based on MUX module and will have three hooks (in, default, intable). A packet from "in" will be switched to default hook if it's not in the table and to "intable" if its in the ip table.
It will be able accept two additional control messages: ADD <IP> or DELETE <IP>.

Ok, renamed and cleaned the module, now it's capable of mixing traffic, but doesn't do ip lookup.
to do:
    - add ip , delete ip messages and addresses from the table. (DONE)
    - take ip from packet data (DONE, not checked yet)
    - do the search  (it has to be impressively effective) (DONE, but it's not even checked)

So, to check the thing will do the opposite setup of iptable and one2many nodes

This way:

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